Logo Structure Changes

On 1/5/2020 we announced that we created the new division 3r Strategy. At the time of launching the new division, we gave it a logo:

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The new logo illustrated a differentiation between 3r Interactive and 3r Strategy, which was helpful because the 3r Strategy division was set up drastically different from the Software Development side. With the radically different style compared to 3r Interactive’s logo, we had since 2012, it was confusing to customers when we would reference that 3r Strategy was the same company as 3r Interactive. 

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After some thought and great feedback we came up with a whole new logo structure that keeps all parts of 3r Interactive, LLC unified. Additionally, we changed the name of 3r Strategy to 3r Tech Strategy. It was a small change but it helps dial in on what we do as a company. Below is our new logo structure:

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The first change is with the main logo, the symbols and text are the same color and have a modern, clean feel with sharp edges. The logo 3r Interactive started with when launching in 2012 was intended to reflect chalk on a chalkboard because we were creating interactive content with an educational focus. Along with the chalkboard feel, we used three different colors in the text. 

Now we are going to move forward with the same primary logo and have the challenge of talking about the different divisions. Taking inspiration from the way universities display logos, we wanted to keep the main logo everpresent and change the subtitles when describing the different divisions. Each subtitle, at this point there is only two, will have a different color associated with it. This helps users understand which division they are currently working with and will make more sense when the different divisions offer different products or services. 

3r Tech Strategy markets products under the umbrella of an On-Demand Chief Technical Officer. We help non-technical business owners communicate effectively with software developers.

On the other hand, 3r Software Development focuses on developing in-house projects such as video games and virtual reality experiences. 

We would love to hear your feedback on the new logo structure as well as the new website layouts. Check out 3rinteractive.com and take a look at our two divisions.

Jay Johns – Founder/CEO