What about UX for Websites?

When looking at a website, it is important to design things with the end user in mind. Make things as easy as possible for the user to understand what is happening and don’t expect them to solve any problems. Make things as clear as possible. This principle is the same for websites or mobile apps. Don’t expect users to solve your puzzle.

So if someone already has an existing website, our team can help do a user analysis on it, and through a variety of testing, see where things aren’t quite as user-friendly. Then we can give a bunch of recommendations on how to fix that. Moreover, whether or not you use 3r interactive to make those changes is up to you. Again, I am just more interested in being the person who gives the feedback.

Other things that I would be looking for are things like would the system keep the user informed about what is happening? If there are events being promoted online, are all the details provided? Is the content streamlined? It’s good to make sure things don’t “break” on your website, but if they do, clearly explain what the user can do about it. Make sure things stay consistent. Don’t use different naming conventions over different web pages. You can’t expect your user to remember stuff.


Interested in creating an app? 

Let 3r Interactive, LLC guide you through the complicated world of app development. We pride ourselves on coaching new entrepreneurs and established companies. Creating meaningful and relevant experiences to users in a variety of industries.

Head over to www.3rinteractive.com or email me at jay@3rinteractive.com to speak with me about how we can help with preproduction to save you money on development costs.